Together with the artist Lacy Barry, we designed & created a blue hued paper pillar garden over the course of four nights for the attendees for Bombay Sapphire’s #StirCreativity art space & party. Set in the U3 station tunnel under Potsdamer Platz in Berlin we were given a 2m tall by 6m wide surface to develop our garden alongside other visual artists.
Inspired by the vibrant and sparkling sapphire jewel and icy smooth gin of Bombay Sapphire we set our garden against an angular backdrop. The garden flourishing before event spectators eyes, jewel cut sculpted paper on cardboard structures, each growing a vibrant Bombay Sapphire bottle from its top. One large cardboard and paper bottle of Bombay Sapphire in the center of the garden of pillars to pay homage to the it beautiful blue design. All composed in a color scheme of deep cobalts, cool aquas, sea greens, snow blues and metallic teals.

Design: Lacy Barry & Cris Wiegandt
Crafts: Lacy Barry & Cris Wiegandt
Crafting Assistant: Ju’un Alibert,
Artist Agency: Cosmopola
Agency: Olgilvy Düsseldorf
Images by Cris Wiegandt & Mario Brand
Artist Photo by Rankin
Crafts: Lacy Barry & Cris Wiegandt
Crafting Assistant: Ju’un Alibert,
Artist Agency: Cosmopola
Agency: Olgilvy Düsseldorf
Images by Cris Wiegandt & Mario Brand
Artist Photo by Rankin
Year of Production 2018

Paul Schrader, Stefan Kunz, Olaf Hajek, SuperBlast, Sigrid Artmann, Darwin Stapel.